I have just made a huge discovery for doing art with beginners.
I'm sure everyone knows this already but...

There was a sale at my favorite big box store and just as they hoped... 
I bought a set of cookie sheets because I needed new ones... after all, the holidays are fast approaching and my pans are all brown from roasting veggies.

At the same time, I was planning on finger painting again with my granddaughter and considering how to contain the mess.

Then, I remembered my new shiny cookie sheets... serendipity!

Not only is the rimmed sheet the right size for finger painting and light enough to see the designs but it also stays put and fits in the sink to wash. 

This is just the beginning... I plan to introduce my beginner to stringing pasta next. Everything will stay in place, the pastabilities are mind boggling! 

Thank you big box store for inadvertently furthering ART.


  1. Replies
    1. So you could use 7 and do half the class and I thnk that smaller ones would work for a smaller scale project... I like the way they define the work space.

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